The Rapeman (THE レイプマン) a Japanese black comedy manga series. is credited being created written Keiko Aisaki (愛崎 けいこ, Aisaki Keiko), illustrated Shintaro Miyawaki (みやわき 心太郎, Miyawaki Shintarō), ran 1985 1992.The series discontinued 13 volumes. Pink Pineapple produced Rapeman live action feature films .
The Rapeman 1-7 Rapeman OVA(unfortunately do have two EDO spinoffs) VHS Rip. Skip main content. the publishers restore access 500,000+ books. Close banner. You Chip In? Dear Patron: don't scroll this. Internet Archive a nonprofit fighting universal access quality information.
Looking information the anime Rapeman? Find more MyAnimeList, world's active online anime manga community database. Keisuke Iwasaki a popular high school PE teacher day the notorious "Rapeman" night. a masked avenger, collaborates his uncle, former surgeon, dispense brand justice behalf clients seek .
Looking information the manga Rapeman? Find more MyAnimeList, world's active online anime manga community database. main character "anti-hero," Rapeman, a high school teacher day dispenses surreal brand "justice" night the business "Rapeman Services," is co-run his uncle, former surgeon.
The main character "anti-hero," Rapeman, a high school teacher day dispenses surreal brand "justice" night the business "Rapeman Services," is co-run his uncle, former surgeon. uses rape his weapon. business' motto "Righting wrongs penetration." Clients call Rapeman handle cases as revenge a jilted lover, forming .
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The Rapeman a superhero. Keisuke Uasake, high school teacher day, superheroe night, he dispenses great justice The Rapeman the busin.
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FUKKEN RAPEMAN!! - Meme by djnizze :) Memedroid
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